This is the perfectionist procrastinator writing after more than a year. I guess because there's so much shallow discussion of trifles on the internet these days, I don't want to add to it so only write when I think I may have something to say. This is it.
In my last blog post, I talked about new work revolving around "the journey", or "the road of life" and working with less narrative representation. That was actually just a jumping off point and since then, my work has continued to become more improvisational and abstract. I know that many of you do not relate to it as well as to the narrative work, and I understand that. I have not discontinued the organic pieces altogether, but have incorporated the organic inspiration into some pieces that reflect both the narrative and abstract.
Frankly, the abstract pieces are far more difficult than narrative pieces for me to do. Improvisation -- making decisions about color, composition, symbols, shape, line, and texture all while I am working on a piece makes the process both difficult and invigorating at the same time. I really have no idea what the final result will be. I have developed a vocabulary of symbols that I seem to always include, but other than that I start at zero and have to make lots of decisions quickly.
It seems to me that truly abstract work probably most reflects our humanness because it is based on spirit and what we do NOT see or know. Narrative or representational work is based on what we see and know. It has been a true challenge for me to make work not based on what I see or know.
This new work also makes use of a translucent layering technique I developed a number of years ago. I work on the bottom layer using heat set polymer paints and then bake it. Then I press thin pieces of translucent polymer on the surface with inclusions like powders and gold leaf, and then bake it again. Then I sand it, then carve the surface with lines and backfill them with colored polymer. Then I bake it again, sand it through 7 grits, then polish the surface with a buffing wheel. The result is a shallow depth that resembles fired enamel or fired glaze or glass.
Now, I have to update my website to reflect this new direction - new background color? New theme? New Home Page? Any ideas?